Sunday9:15 amSunday School – NOTICE: RESTARTS 9/22
Sunday9:30 amWorship Service – NOTICE: back to 10:30 on 9/22
Wednesday6:30 pmBible Study and Prayer
Friday8:00 amWomen’s fitness class
Saturday7:00 amMen’s Prayer
2nd and 4th Sunday of each monthDuring morning worshipJunior Church
2nd Thursday of each month 9 – 11 amCoffee House

Sept 22 – Sunday School resumes at 9:15 am
Worship service returns to 10:30 am
junior Church during the worship service
Sept 26 – Connections Coffee House 9-11 am
Elders meeting at 11:30 am
Oct. 06 – Lord’s Supper during worship service
Oct. 10 – “Connections Coffee House” 9-11
Oct. 12 – First Responder’s Appreciation Breakfast
Oct. 13 – Junior Church during the worship service
Oct. 24 – “Connections Coffee House 9-11 am
Oct. 27 – Junior Church during worship
Harvest Supper at 5 pm
Nov 09 – Ladies Fellowship & Bible Study

  • NEXT WEEK (9/22) Sunday School will be resuming at 9:15 and the worship service time will change back to 10:30. The classes offered are…
  • • “Christian Character” taught by Nancy Wilcox, meeting in the kitchen (ladies)
  • • A study of 2 Peter taught by James Wilcox, meeting in the chapel (men & women)
  • • “Explore” (what membership entails with SWBC) taught by Pastor Dan, meeting in the fellowship hall (anyone & all ages)
  • At this time there is a need for elementary and primary age teachers. If you would be willing serve in this vital ministry please see Todd Sprague TODAY!
  • Prayer meeting and fellowship is every Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the church fellowship hall. Why not try something new!
  • First Responders Appreciation Breakfast will be held on October 12, from 7:30 to 10 am. If you would like to help please see Gary Hammond. There are invitations (flyers) in the foyer on the shelf and on the table in the back hallway.
  • ALPHA Pregnancy Resource Center is hosting their Annual Fundraising Banquet on Friday, Oct. 18th at the Sea Road Christian Church in Kennebunk. You can RSVP (required) online at or call 324-5752. For more information see the poster on each bulletin board.
  • Young Life is offering a Leadership Weekend at Saranac Village for anyone who might be interested in leading, serving on a committee, or just curious to see what Young Life is about. The cost is $140. For the weekend which include room and meals. If you are interested there are flyers on the bulletin boards in the foyer and back hallway.

Missionary focus: James & Donelle Morrell – Argentina (Gospel Mission for South America)